“Alaaf” is the greeting, a costume an obligation and throwing candies the gift of joy – this only happens in the Rhineland, year after year.
Carnival are the crazy days, particular in Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf and Mainz. The beginning of the season is the 11th of November at 11:11 AM: People dress up funny and walk around the city. But the real kick off starts with the so called “Weiberfastnacht” (Shrove Thursday).
Each year on the Thursday six weeks before Easter at 11.11 AM the street Carnival is officially opened at the “Alter Markt”.The key of the city is handed over to the three principal Carnival figures: the Prince, the Peasant and the Virgin (collectively known as the "Dreigestrirn").
Till ash Wednesday they are “responsible” for the city and the whole city will party and dress up for six days. Carnival is celebrated with parties on the streets, in public squares and in pubs.
Traditionally, colourful Corps troops and parades line the streets and particular on Monday, the so called “Rosenmontag”, a kilometer long Rosenmontag procession is going through the city. People yell for sweets (Kamelle) and flowers (Strüßje). Even the closing times for pubs and bars are suspended for the duration of the festival – till ash Wednesday, when it all ends.
More Information:
- http://www.koeln.de/cologne_tourist_information/events/cologne_carnival/the_crazy_days
- http://www.koelnerkarneval.de/fastelovend-op-englisch.html
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