Between stressed out and Passion
I meet up so many nice people here. All of them are able to speak English and now are all of them able to read my blog. Please forgive me all my mistakes! Or fix up the grammar and arrange some improvements in the comments *smile*
I am really stressed out at the moment: The end of the semester is knocking on the door and whenever I think about my thesis, I would like to start crying. I am so far behind the work I should have finished right now. The consequences are round about 10 hours at the uni, nearly daily. But no reason to complain! So far, I did better than I expected and got a d in one subject and c in the other one. So well done, till now...I will see how my major projects are going.
Also I found a good balance for myself. The magic word is SALSA! Some of you, who knowing me well, will ask themself now: Heidi and Salsa? How does that work out? I still keep on going to concerts and listen to Indi- and rock-music , that will never change. Music is probably the key, why I enjoy it so much. I have to feel the music and so many elements of Latin music remind me at Jazz. Fantastic!
The current reason why I decided to take dance lessons was a little backpacker experiences. A guy from Brisbane stayed in the same hostel like I did. He was in Sydney for a Salsa thing. We spent some time together and Rebecca comes in my mind. She raved so much about Salsa and here time in London. The same was with the Brisbane- Salsa-Guy. (Who is by the way native from New Zeeland, to make it a bit more confusing ...)
It never ceases to amaze me how many times the word “Salsa” is possible in a conversation. Really cute to see! And that, for the second time, Rebecca was exactly the same. I ask myself: What is so fascinatingly about Salsa? I took lessons and what should I say? Believe it or not, but Salsa is addictive! I am in the second course now and sound probably exactly the same like Rebecca and the Brisbane-Salsa-Native from NZ-Guy right now! AHHHHHHH! And thank you both! :)
Samstag, 3. November 2007
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3 Kommentare:
Hey Sweetie,
my Weblog is back. Different adress:
Would you please change that in your blogroll as well! Thanx!
Gonna start writing myself again. And reading your blog. Ever since mine was offline I stopped reading other weblogs. Crazy!
Have fun. Your kittycat is fine. Ganiyu has his visa appointment by 6:30 in the morning today. So that will be 4:30 pm in Australia. Is that correct! Wish him, us, good luck!
Hey Süße,
ändere doch mal bitte den Link zu meinem Weblog!!! Der andere ist doch tot!
Brief ist angekommen. Dankeschön! Aber schreib das nächste Mal mit nem anderen Stift. Ich konnte den Brief kaum lesen wegen der goldenen Schrift!
Liebste Grüße auch von Knuddel-Kimba!
Deine weblogadresse ist geändert. Und das ist doch nicht zu fassen! Da schreib ich einen Brief und dann wird sich erstmal über den Stift beschwert! LOL
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